Travel is such a wonderful experience!
Especially when you forget you are traveling.
Then you will enjoy whatever you see and do.
Those who look into themselves when they travel will not think about what they see.
In fact, there is no distinction between the viewer and the seen.
You experience everything with the totality of yourself,
so that every blade of grass, every mountain, every lake is alive and is a part of you.
When there is no division between you and what is other,
this is the ultimate experience of traveling.
― Liezi, Lieh-tzu, A Taoist Guide to Practical Living
A vintage fashion illustration from 1872 showing a group of Victorian ladies at the train station. The veiled lady buying tickets at the booth seems to be nursing an injury to her left wrist.
From left to right, the costumes are: (1) a fawn-colored
delaine dress; (2) a gray
pongee dress with dark gray
mantelet; (3) a black
gros grain suit; (4) a brown
serge dress with
paletot; and (5) a gray
poplin suit with cape. Original illustration is from my personal collection of antique Harper's Bazar magazines.
Download and use in various altered art, graphic design, papercrafts or scrapbooking projects. You can find the
free high-res 10" x 8" @ 300 ppi JPEG without a watermark

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